Monday, December 07, 2015



Seventy-four years ago, Japan struck Pearl Harbor with a vengeance that certainly "has lived on in the annals of American history."  The circumstances leading up to that horrible attack were eerily similar to where we find ourselves today.  

The Germans were on a horrible march in Europe, killing all Jews along the way.  The Italians and the Japanese were plunging through Asia and joining Germany in Europe and Russia.  Today, Al Qaeda is striking in Yemen, Libya and Africa.  I.S.I.S. controls much of Syria, Iraq and Iran and is attacking as far away as Europe.  Both organizations are waging a relentless war to kill Christians and Jews and to impose Sharia law on the entire planet.  

We seemed oblivious to the fact that World War II was imminent.  It was, after all, Europe's war and not ours.  Today, our president is proclaiming I.S.I.S. to be "contained" and the biggest danger to the world to be global warming, oblivious to the fact that if humanity is dead, global warming won't make a difference.   He assures us that we do not need to be afraid, even alleging that everything here in the U.S. is perfectly okay... just moments before the attack in San Bernardino.  

Yesterday, two major disclosures came along: (1) our president admitted the "possibility" that San Bernardino involved terrorists, but insisted that gun control would solve the problem and, (2) the Air Force said it is running out of bombs to use against I.S.I.S. and that we don't have enough money or resources to replace them.  

In the same breath, liberals of the country tell Americans they are stupid for praying and weak-kneed for being afraid. 

 Are we going to be complacent and content to continue to "dumb down and shut up?"  Is this the "fundamental change" that Americans are destined to suffer? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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