Friday, December 04, 2015



The last shot had not yet been fired when Barack Hussein Obama took to the airwaves and blamed every gun owner in the country for the ongoing shooting tragedy in San Bernardino.  By yesterday morning, the vitriol from the Democrats, the liberal left and the Hillary camp was beyond any semblance of propriety.  

A New York newspaper came out and said that "God isn't fixing this,"  thereby blaming Christians and Jews across the country and asserting that there is no God.  Harry Reid blamed the shootings on the Republicans and the NRA.  Hillary Clinton made it clear that law-abiding gun owners throughout the country must have their guns taken away from them because... they did it.    And although every early indication was that the shootings were terrorist-inspired, that angle was covered up by "political correctness."  

The prolific bullshit keeps on, and on, and on... The Democrats are bound and determined to disarm Americans and to leave us at the mercy of the Muslim terrorists. How DARE they tell me that there is no God or that if there is, He is to blame because he's not fixing things.  How DARE they tell me that Republicans are to blame, or that the NRA is to blame, or that every gun owner in the country is to blame.  

The real blame lies in the hands and twisted minds of those who keep spewing out hatred and viciousness and refusing to sit down at the table to discuss and address the underlying causes.  Those are the people who refuse to utter the words "radical Islamic terrorists," who insist on allowing more terrorists to enter the United States under the guise of "refugees," and those who fail to attack and destroy terrorism until it migrates from the Middle East to our cities and towns in America.  

What a bunch of sickos. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


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