Thursday, November 20, 2014



Let there be no doubt about it: this is a test.  

Can the will of one overrule the will of the country?  

If Obama goes ahead tonight and announces executive amnesty for 5+ million illegals in the United States, he does not intend to stop there.  He has unfinished business on his plate: gun control, higher energy prices, global warming initiatives, closing Guantanamo... get the picture?  

I can hear it now, when he issues an order to stop the manufacture, sale or possession of a firearm in the U.S.: "I issued an Executive Order on immigration, it was legal and so is this.  It's for the good of the country.  So, suck it up." 

I'm sorry, folks.  This is where the rubber does meet the road. 

What are you willing to do about it?  Do you have the balls to stand up to him?  Or, will you let the will of one overrule the will of the country?   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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