Tuesday, October 07, 2014



We have every right to be fearful of I.S.I.S. and Ebola.  However, there are two other epidemics which have been brewing and are now infesting our nation, and they are undoubtedly more dangerous to our country than I.S.I.S. and Ebola combined.  I'm talking about the SOYA and IDCA epidemics that no one is willing to even talk about.   

SOYA, (Sitting on Your Ass) and IDCA, (I Don't Care Anymore), have reared their ugly hides in every state of the union and among all walks of life.  The rich, the poor and the middle class alike are being attacked and overcome by these two dangerous epidemics.  No one wants to go to the polls and exercise their obligations as Americans; when faced with an out-of-control, oppressive government people are simply shrugging their shoulders and saying, "I don't care anymore." 

These epidemics struck Germany before Hitler, Russia before Stalin, Iraq before Hussein and France before Napoleon.  If history teaches us anything, it is that these epidemics have struck the United States before Obama. 

Is there a vaccine against these diseases?  Is there a cure?  Fortunately, the answer is a solid and unmistakable "Yes."  The antidotes are known as GOYA and DSAI, (Get off Your Ass and Do Something About It).  Even Jesus knew fully well that in order to get the attention of the multitudes and to recruit Christians, he had to get off his ass and do something about it. 

Take the cure.  Start paying attention now to what is going on with our democracy and plan on voting in November.  Vote out those who stand behind our pretending dictator; Stomp out SOYA and IDC now, and forever.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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