Saturday, January 14, 2012


It's a fact that the influence of the various Tea Parties on national and state politics has been in the decline.  Commonly speaking, they want to see government spending brought under control and they want tax issues resolved.  They played a very prominent role in the 2010 elections and were directly responsible for bringing the House of Representatives under Republican control.  

Nevertheless, a well-organized anti-Tea Party blitz by the media and the Democrats has neutralized the splintered groups to a great degree.  Most Americans support the Tea Party movement and its objectives, but the number of people attending meetings and rallies has dropped nationally.  

The Tea Parties have done a great service for this country.  They have brought public awareness to the continuing dirty deeds that are being done in Washington.  It is vital that they continue in this endeavor and that they are successful in achieving their goals.  In order to accomplish this, they simply must evolve into a cohesive national organization with stated political objectives.  Such an evolution would breathe life support into splintered dying organizations and provide a platform for continuation of service to America.  

This may, or may not, evolve into the Tea Party putting up its own candidates for local, state and national offices.  Given the propensity for the Republican Party to act like Democrats, such a move would not be a bad idea.  In the final analysis, it's do or die time for the Tea Parties and, in my humble opinion, they need to "do."  At a time of severe danger to our future, our country is depending on them to lead the charge.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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