Tuesday, January 24, 2012



I think we'd all like to see the "insiders" in Washington replaced with outsiders because the insiders have been screwing up the country for far too long.  But, be careful: I am quick to realize that just because you are an outsider does not mean you are the best qualified for the office.  For example, we all know what a rotten President Barack Obama is.  But, would you rather have Obama, (an insider), or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, (an outsider)?   How about Charlie Sheen?  

The point is... A candidate should be evaluated on his overall attributes.  Certainly, being an outsider scores in his favor but what about one's ability to make valid decisions?  Mitt Romney is an outsider, but how did he handle the issue of his income taxes?  Do his remarks about "only making" $350,000 in speech appearances last year indicate he is an elitist snob, like the guy who already occupies the White House?  Do his actions at Bain Capital support a growing contention that he is a ruthless businessman with no fundamentally compassionate understanding of humanity? 

What we need to do is to not only stop and visualize the forest through the trees, we need to focus on the tree that we like and see what condition it is really in.   If it is infested with the bark beetle, perhaps we need to look for another tree.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted

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