Thursday, December 15, 2011



The anti-Newt Republicans, or the Pro-Romney Twits, are taking a new tack: they're attacking Newt for being a Progressive.  Well, I think Newt does have some Progressive in him.  But, let's take a closer look. 

Barry is as far to the left Socialist-Marxist Progressive as you can get.  Ron Paul is as far to the other extreme as you can get.  I don't think this country is ready for four more years of extremism. Coming back from Ron toward the middle are the other candidates.  Bachmann is far right Conservative and I like her.  But, I don't know if the country is ready for her.  Perry is right there with her, and I like many things about him, too.  

Romney is a closet liberal.  He's far more Progressive than Gingrich.  Gingrich is a Conservative Progressive.  Romney is a liberal Progressive.  Progressives want bigger, more socialistic government.  Now, Gingerich, on the Progressive scale, is far more conservative than Obama or Romney.  On that basis, if you run Paul, Perry or Bachmann, they'll get shellacked by Obama.  Romney might win against Obama and I think Gingrich can out-debate Obama any day of the week and will win against Obama.  So, if he's less Progressive than Romney, he's an ideal fit.  Team him up with Perry or Bachmann or even Palin and I think you really have a winning ticket.   

I'm not endorsing Newt yet, but I'm leaning toward doing so.  I think this whole argument is detracting from the main goal here, which is NOT to sink Obama, but to restore our country and Gingrich, Perry or Bachmann will do that.  Let's keep our eyes on the goal post and not get sidetracked by Romneycrats. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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