Saturday, December 24, 2011


Congress passed a two-month extension to the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits this week and added to the large pile of dung it had already laid upon the American public in previous months.  The failure… the utter refusal… to deal with the deficit and to put in place meaningful and lasting debt reduction was the highlight of their dysfunction.  A close second was their willingness to let the national credit rating slip and then the administration followed up by sicking regulatory authorities on Standard & Poor’s for actually doing the dirty deed. 

Bickering was the order of the day as their approval rating slipped down, down, down to 11%.  They repaid the general public by foisting upon it this two-month “deal,” a deal that leaves both American business and the public in limbo for financial planning.  Scrooge himself could not have carried out the scenario with greater infuriating pageantry. 

Congress is not broken.  The American character of the people in Congress has deteriorated to a despicable level.  They are useless in their positions and have graduated to the point of doing far more harm to the country than good.  It would therefore be to our benefit if they did not meet again until 2013. 

At the very least, we need to stand together and ask for God’s help in removing every last one of the riffraff from office next year.  Change?  Yes, we need to change the dirty diaper of Washington, before the stench overwhelms us. 

That’s MY sad AMERICAN OPINION this Christmas. 

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