Saturday, September 24, 2011


I’m continuing my vacation, but I feel compelled to weigh in on the never-ending parade of bad, bad news.   

The stock market is in a downward turmoil.  Bad jobs news, the worsening housing crisis, the mounting debt and the situation abroad are combining to potentially give us a very serious national financial situation; some say things could even get worse than during the Great Depression.  Even Ben Bernanke has a dismal forecast and Tim Geithner is hiding under his damned bed. 

At the same time, people in this country are evolving in their attitudes about what is going on with our country, our economy, our government and our national leadership, (or the lack of it). Where this evolution will lead is not yet clear, but I have heard mention of the possibility of civil unrest and I have also heard about a potential mass march on Washington. 

One thing is certain: we cannot take much more of this “being in flux,” not knowing what is going to happen to us or our country.  Something is going to happen and I sincerely hope that it’s not going to get ugly.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.    

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