Saturday, August 06, 2011



Ah, yes.  It is a good morning.  The biggest bombshell to hit the U.S. in recent history struck yesterday with the downgrade of the debt.  This came even though our illustrious Messiah called S&P and tried to head it off.  Then he blamed the Republicans, the gulf oil crisis, Bush, the Japanese tsunami and the penguins in Bakersfield before heading off to Camp David for a wild weekend of sulking and whining.  How invigorating!  And it’s so wonderful that the birthday boy is going to be heading off to New York Thursday for yet another birthday bash where he’s charging $71,600 a plate to raise another $2 million for his campaign. 

I am sooooo happy, I could just shit.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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