Saturday, August 06, 2011


Mr. Keith Davis, Treasurer
National Republican Congressional Committee
PO Box 98219
Washington   DC   20077-4591

In re: Your request for a donation

Dear Mr. Davis: 

I know that I wrote in January expressing that I would not give a dime to the NRCC until at least January of 2012 and that it depended on whether or not the Republicans stood up to the plate or not. 

Well, these last few weeks had me rethinking my position.  I was excited and energized as I saw John Boehner and the House Republicans stand tall, firm and proud when it came to the debt-deficit issue.  “Gosh,” I thought to myself, “These guys are serious and we’re going to finally make some progress on this horrible national economy.”  In fact, I even started to reach for my checkbook. 

And then, just like they have done so many countless times before, the guys caved in at the last minute and nothing positive got done.  The Democrats did get their debt limit increase and a whole lot of meaningless bull got spread around The Hill on both sides of the aisle about how great the fix was for the country. 

You guys still don’t get the message, do you?  The reason you have no money is because you are not doing the job the American Republicans want you to do.  We expect more and we’re not getting it.  Hell, you might as well just go merge with the Democratic Party and get it over with; why put yourselves through the misery any longer? 

So, no check.  I did write one out for the Heritage Foundation and one for the American Tea Party.  Maybe one of these days you smart folks there in Washington will wake up and understand that you are supposed to work for us.  Let me tell you, it surely would be a breath of fresh air.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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