Thursday, October 21, 2010



NPR's senior news analyst Juan Williams has been fired.  Williams, who regularly appears on Fox news, was summarily canned for making remarks on the O'Reilly show "THE FACTOR," to the effect that he gets nervous when he's getting on an airplane and sees several men in full Moslem regalia getting on the same plane. William's NPR boss wouldn't hear any excuses, saying that his attitude "crossed the line" and, after ten years with NPR, he wasn't even given the opportunity for a face-to-face discussion on the issue; they canned him by phone.  

Now, I don't particularly agree with a lot of what Williams says.   But, he does discuss and can be persuaded on some issues.  Most of his commentary is to the left, but he has many valid arguments for his positions.  

All of that aside, he has the right to his views and, in this case, I agree with him.  NPR is known to be very far left in its programming and opinion and on the tax-payer's dole at that.  People who are left cannot discuss anything on a rational basis.  They either yell and scream or walk away in a huff, which is why they refused to discuss the issue and fired Williams on the phone so they would not have to deal with the unpleasant and unwelcome face-to-face discussion.  

Furthermore, Williams wasn't even on NPR when he made the comments; he was on Fox.  This is akin to an abridge of Williams' right to free speech.  

It's an afront to me that part of my taxpayer money goes to fund a leftist radio network in the first place; that's socialistic government propaganda at work.  As far as I am concerned, this is just one more reason why NPR should go off the air. 

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