Saturday, October 16, 2010


The Thursday night showdown between U.S. Senator and Majority Leader Harry Reid and upstart Sharron Angle drew a sharp contrast between political philosophies that needs to be brought to the attention of all Americans.

Reid’s underlying principle is that government has the responsibility to create jobs and to take care of the citizens and, therefore, that government has the inherent right to call all of the shots. Angle’s position is essentially that government should only create the policies that allow the economy to flourish and jobs to be created and that the people are the ones who have the inherent right to call the shots. The fundamental difference is that Reid believes all political power emanates from the government and Angle believes that all political power emanates from the people.

The U.S. Constitution spells out in no uncertain terms that America’s political power emanates from the people. I would therefore argue that Reid and other elected officials who think like him do not believe in the Constitution and that they have therefore violated their oaths of office, to protect and defend the Constitution. In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the Earth, I do not recall any Biblical addendums to say “and the governments shall rule happily ever after.”

The fact is that the framers contemplated with great care and debate exactly what form and format our government should take. Once established, our government took its course and it has operated successfully for 234 years since. It has seen us through the Civil War, two world wars, the Great Depression… you know all of the history. In concept, anyone who violates the Constitution is guilty of a crime against the country. Yet, Reid, Pelosi, Obama and their associates have the utter audacity to ignore the Constitution, to subvert the will of the people, and to assert that the document is outdated and therefore of no consequence.

To hear that the government contemplates telling restaurants what foods they can and cannot serve, citizens what doctors they can and cannot see, states what laws they can and cannot pass or enforce… runs against the grain of every principle contained in our Constitution. Yet we, the ones with the real political power in this country, have abdicated our power by remaining silent instead of undertaking what should have been vehement opposition to what those in power have been espousing.

My fellow Americans, time is short. Barely over two weeks remain before the elections. You agree with what I am now saying and have been saying for months and months, or you would not be reading this. You are not the ones who need to be convinced, but your friends, relatives and neighbors are. We must unite now and gain as many numbers as we possibly can so that we can ensure our rights to be the governing political body of our great country and so we can silence those in Washington who seek to steal our rights away from us.

For the sake of those who came before us and those who will follow us, we must stand tall, shoulder to shoulder, and we must accomplish the task with which we are now faced.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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