Thursday, April 01, 2010



Less than two weeks after Health Care legislation was manured past public opinion, ominous details and hidden agendas are beginning to ooze out.  And the Democrats who voted for it are pretending to be surprised.  

One of the hidden provisions gives the President power to nationalize doctors and other medical professionals.  Did you know that?  Another tells states they will have to absorb additional costs and orders them to raise taxes to cover those costs or to face federal funding cuts.  That is a blatant violation of states rights.  Under this scenario, we can expect that Rahmbo is on the horn to governors and attorneys general from the states that are filing legal actions right, telling them to drop their litigation or they are going to lose highway funds and ARA grants.  And, of course, there's the outright nationalization of the student loan program without any debate or discussion in Congress. 

Then there's the disturbing fact that Stupak and the ten others who were against the bill on the basis of the paid abortion issue filed for $4.7 billion in earmark legislation the day after the health bill was passed.  Now comes news that Obama wants to open of the gulf and part of the Atlantic Coast for oil exploration; not revealed was the fact that he intends to close down some fields in Alaska.  Who would benefit from this?  Louisiana and Mary Landreau, for one.  Who would be hurt?  Alaska and Sarah Palin.  

Finally, and on the same subject, major companies and corporations are now analyzing their businesses to determine how best to deal with the enormous hits they are taking to their bottom lines as a result of the loss of tax breaks for providing insurance programs to their employees and retirees.  Will they lay off?  Will they raise prices?  Will they ship more jobs overseas?  Will they drop company health benefits altogether and force employees to far-less coverage on the government system? 

I continue to say that this legislation is the worst piece of legislation to ever be passed by any Congress in the history of this country and, since Obama knew what he was doing in the process, I believe there are grounds for impeachment here.  Those are strong words, I know.  But, we need to be made full cognizant of everything hidden in these 2,700 pages of legislation; who knows what other wonderful jewels Pelosi, Reid and Obama tucked away in there? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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