Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Angry illegals threaten war between Mexico and United States.  Vandalism erupts.  Calls in Phoenix to "Burn This Racist City." 

Isn't this a fine kettle of stew?  They are here illegally and now they are threatening us about how to run our country. 

How many of these goons are members of the S.E.I.U. or the AFL-CIO? How many of them are following the lead of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson?  

Obama will save us.  He will gather Nancy and Harry together, along with some of his closest and most trusted advisers from Goldman Sachs, and they'll figure it out.  

Let's see now... A billion here, a billion there, billions and trillions everywhere!  That'll do it! 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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