Saturday, March 27, 2010


A recent California poll shows that only 31% of Californians think the GOP has the answers to our national dilemma, but 34% think the American Tea Party has the answers. The remaining 35% applaud the Democrats. In other words, the Republicans can’t win in California in a three-way race. The Tea Party could win if it gains only a few more supporters. As a matter of fact, it appears to me that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can win a two-way race without Tea Party support.

The Democrats have made their strategy quite obvious. They are attacking the Tea Party at every turn, calling them “terrorists,” accusing them of being “racists,” and doing everything within their power to marginalize the growing numbers of Americans who are joining Tea Party ranks and calling for the return of America to the people. By their actions, the Democrats are committing political suicide with their arrogant, self-serving elitist attacks.

Do we presume that the strategy of the Republican Party is to just wait for the Tea Party to come running into its fold? Or, does the GOP eventually plan to pick its sorry ass up and start doing something? Has the GOP yet gotten the message that Americans want a return to responsibility in government? Does the GOP understand that “picking on the other party” is no longer going to get it anywhere? My fellow Americans, do you realize… Can you come to grips with the fact that we, the people, want our country back and that it is within the Republican Party’s ability to seize the moment and comply?

But, does it make sense for us to jump on the Republican bandwagon if they are not going to mend their ways?

Michael Steele, can you and the National Committee create a platform containing a far-reaching and acceptable health care plan to replace the one now on the books? Can you muster the courage to stand up to the convictions of patriotic American principle? Is it within your ability to pick up the pieces of political wreckage which your party has fostered in the past, to mend your ways in a meaningful and relevant platform that we Americans can attach our hopes to?

Or, Michael, are you and the Committee going to be content with mailing us and calling us and asking us for more money so that you can “get even” in November? Is it a matter of getting even, getting back the power, rubbing their noses in it? Or, is there even a slight possibility that the “Grand Old Party” might be willing to step up to the plate of being the party “of the people, by the people and for the people?”

My fellow Americans, we want to know just where the Republican Party stands and we need to know now if that party is willing to work shoulder-to-shoulder with those of us who are dedicated to the restoration of democracy and the fundamentals of our Constitution. Without solid, firm commitment on their part we, the people, need to promptly examine other alternatives because, when it comes to our liberty and our country, time is truly of the essence.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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