Saturday, March 13, 2010


Remember all of those scurrilous additions to the Health Care Bill that were inserted back in December for the purpose of making deals for votes? They will remain in the final version of the bill. Word came out Thursday that there can be no changes to the Senate version, which has already passed the Senate. That means that Ben Nelson gets his free Medicaid for Nebraska. There now appears to be a lot more leaking out.

For one thing, Nancy Pelosi says a second administration priority, far-reaching changes in the student loan industry, will be added to the legislation. The measure would have the government originate assistance to needy college students, ending a system that has allowed banks and other private lenders to do so at a fee. What does this have to do with Health Care? Nothing. What will it add to the deficit? They’re not saying. But, the "addition" can only be added assuming that the Senate would then ratify the changes. The latest word is that the Dems simply want to pass the Senate version that was passed in December and to send that on to Obama for signature, and the Senate is ostensibly to come back afterwards with a new Bill encompassing and addressing the issues that the House wants resolved through the process of reconciliation.

Pelosi told Emanuel to quit setting deadlines to obtain passage of the Bill and then announced that March 18th was no longer a realistic date. Obama, obviously refusing to take “no” for an answer, decided to delay his scheduled trip to Indonesia by three days, and then evidently sent orders to Pelosi to “get it done.” He doesn’t care what happens to any Dems who vote for the bill. No sooner had those orders been delivered than Pelosi took to the podium to say that the House would not be taking a vote because several members were not comfortable that the Senate would make the promised changes to the Bill after passage. Presumably, one of those changes involves the abortion issue. (Harry would never renege, would he?)

Hot on the heels of the Pelosi statement, word came in that Rep. Bart Stupak is alleging Sen. Henry Waxman told him that public funding of abortion will remain in the Senate version and that the rest of the Senate feels the same way; presumably, that would mean at least one “promised change” would not happen. Stupak is said to have reminded that the Congress had overwhelmingly passed a law against any public funding of abortions, and Waxman is reputed to have responded in essence, “So what?” Late yesterday, Waxman issued s statement to the effect that he believes in complying with "current law."  You can read between those lines.  Representative Anthony Weiner went on the record as saying he doesn’t believe the Senate will issue a subsequent bill with the promised changes. Even if the Senate did that, there is no guarantee that Obama would not veto the second bill.

Late in the morning, the word came that three more Congressmen had agreed to vote for the bill after being subjected to unknown enormous pressures. Not to be outdone by all of the mudslinging and corrupt legislative goings on, Harry Reid announced that reconciliation will indeed be used to jam the health care plan through. If nothing else works, maybe they’ll have ACORN count the votes?

This is all an emergency situation, isn't it?  

My son, the Unknown Scribbler Jr., spoke with respect to the provisions regarding senior care and “death squads:”

“In 2008, [Washington state] voters passed an initiative legalizing doctor-assisted suicide in this state. Many people were wary that this would lead us down a slippery slope to wholesale euthanasia, but the liberals pushing the bill were very adamant that stringent safeguards would be in place to ensure that such a thing would never happen.

“Last weekend, the Seattle rag printed a huge story lamenting the fact that only about a hundred people have “been allowed to die” since the law was passed, and that too many people are being cheated out of their ‘death with dignity’ by all the bureaucratic hoops they have to jump through. So the ‘safeguards’ have now become ‘obstacles.’

“Once Obamacare passes and sick people become a strain on the system, expect these ‘obstacles’ to be eliminated entirely.

“Human beings are being turned into livestock. You’re born, the government bleeds you until you’re no longer worth the cost of feeding you, and then it snuffs you out.”

I hate to admit it, but I agree with him. It’s part of that “progressive shove it” routine that Washington has been employing for decades.

The way things were degrading around The Hill yesterday, I halfway expected to hear reports of a telephone exchange between Pelosi and Emanuel, starting with Pelosi:

“So there.”

“Do as I say or by Monday, you’ll no longer be Speaker.”

“Go suck a lemon.”

“I’ll tell Obama on you!”

“Your mother wears brogans!”


I wonder how Gibbs would spin that scenario.

What the country needs right now is for one or two of those Congressmen who are being brow beaten and coerced to stand up and let the truth be known to America. This whole fiasco is a rotten display of dark, dark character. Eddy Poe, Billy Shakespeare, Al Hitchcock and Stevie King together could not write dark drama like this.

Do you remember when Obama put out an Executive Order that he wanted veterans to pay for their own insurance? He said it would save the country $540 million a year? And, when the vets raised wholly hell, he said "Look, it's an all volunteer force. Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute. I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country. I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans." Now, he wants to force HIS health care plan on an America that does not want it and at a cost of over $1 trillion. Who in the hell does this guy think he is?

I don’t know about you, but after a year of this health care bull, I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of his lies, manipulations, deceit, arrogance, bullying, name-calling, and outright refusal to recognize the American will. I even heard a Republican lawmaker say that Obama and Emanuel have already arranged that once it is passed, it can never be repealed because they have inserted ironclad language into the bill to prevent that.

With all of these tricks, demands and lies, you know as well as I do that the legislation and the people involved in it are rotten to the core. And this autocratic President seems to be daring us to try and do something about it. I think he’s going to be in for a most unpleasant response; the next nine days may well tell the story. Keep the pressure up with calls, emails and faxes to your Congressional delegates; it’s been working so far.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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