Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hillary's Not Out

Anyone who thinks that Hillary's third place finish in Iowa, or the fact that several polls show her behind 10 points in New Hampshire, has no concept whatsoever about the capabilities of the Clinton poilitical machine.

Way back in 1997 when Bill was in deep pigeon doo, I began to predict that Hillary would run for the Presidency and that she would win. Everyone I made that prediction to poohed the idea. The prediction was made on two foundations: (1) southern governors have been successfully running their wives for decades in order to circumvent term limits, and (2) the Clinton political machine is huge and well-polished.
In the unlikely event that Hillary does not get the Democratic nomination, you still can't count her out; she could run on a Third Party platform and win big time just by detracting votes from the democrats and republicans.
Even if Hillary should happen to be 40 points behind on election eve in November, I would not count her out until the electoral college meets.
Once you have power, it becomes all-consuming.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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