Friday, June 04, 2021

Energy: Biden Doesn’t Give a Damn WHAT You Think!

One of the very first things Biden did when he entered office was to shut down the Keystone Pipeline project, which was to bring Canadian oil into the U.S.  In doing so, he caused the layoffs of thousands of workers and summarily told them to go find a different line of work. 


Since then, Biden has been working to put an “excise tax” on gasoline and diesel fuels, a move certain to drive up the costs of delivering supplies, including groceries, to market.  Prices of food, gas, travel, hardware… everything is already starting up.  He’s topped that off by stopping the subsidy of fossil-fuel energy producing companies. 


He made his agenda more clear this week when he stopped all work on oil and gas leases in the Alaskan wildlands.  He’s also said that he plans to totally eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the United States within 15 years, which means that the car or truck you just paid $65,000 for is already headed for the junk heap and you get to hunker down, eat the residual value and like it! 


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION respectfully submitted. 


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