Monday, May 03, 2021

Parents! Wake Up!

In my day, long, long ago, parents paid close attention to what was being taught in their public schools. Of course, things were different in those days; there were no teachers unions, no federal government interference with state education systems, and no agendas to add to the required curriculum. You also had active and effective parent-teacher’s associations that partnered to review classroom materials and to ensure quality education.    


Things have changed, my friends. 


One hears many stories about what they are, or are not, teaching in today’s public schools. In the same breath, we wonder why our children can’t perform simple mathematical calculations, why they don’t know spit about government affairs, why they cannot read, spell or write, or why they think history is actually different than what it was in our day! 


The plain and simple fact of the matter is that unions run the schools, the federal government dictates what will be taught, and our children are deliberately being “dumbed down” through a calculated and well-organized agenda!  This is particularly true in larger population centers; rural schools are actually still doing an admirable job of teaching what really needs to be taught and parents are still doing the responsible thing by riding herd on their local schools and school boards. 


I’ve spoken with countless parents who were totally shocked to discover what is in school textbooks these days.  Lack of parental involvement has opened the doors wide for the introduction of political agendas.  Hence, we learn that our children have been inundated with liberal ideals, many of which are repulsive and make no sense to us. 


In short, it is our duty as parents to be involved with what our children are being taught. We need to seize the authority to decide what our students shall learn back from the mindless politicians, and we need to be running for school boards and involved in parent educational associations. To do less is to invite the inevitable destruction of our nation as we know it.     


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  




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