Monday, May 10, 2021

One Nation, “Under God?”

I know darned well that every single one of us has asked, over and over again, “How did this country get into this mess? We were so great!”


I don’t care what the Fascist, Marxist liberals of the country have to say: we were founded on religious principles and belief in God. That tenet is thoroughly entrenched in our Constitution. Over the centuries, we adhered to that guiding principle and America had firm and strong morals and ethics which steered our ship of state through hell and highwater, always on the straight and narrow. And when we saw any attempt to infringe on religion, morals or ethics, we raised holy hell over it.


When you look at where we are today, with religious attendance way down, we are surrounded by unethical, immoral thieves and crooks who are actively trying to destroy what religion we have remaining and to take down our country at the same time. 


You have to ask yourself: In our greatness, did we leave God behind? If so, what are we going to do about it? 


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  





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