Monday, April 08, 2019


The stench is unbelievable.  There's a story of corruption behind every single face in both halls of Congress.  Nobody tells the truth about anything.  Senators and Representatives alike have become extremely adept at talking out of all three sides of their mouths at once.  Those guys can change their positions on any given subject faster than a speeding bullet. 

Congress has become hopelessly dysfunctional and useless.  It's gotten to the point that one wants to run fast as hell in the opposite direction when he sees a member of congress heading his way.  I mean, who even wants to be seen in public near one of those scumbags, anyway. 

I'm sorry, but I speak the truth and we all know it.  We've simply got to get rid of all of them... all of them, Republican and Democrat alike.  The only possible way of getting rid of the stench is to get rid of them and their dirty diapers.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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