Friday, March 08, 2019


It's a putrid cesspool.  It's full of graft, corruption, deceit, crime... You can't believe a single word that comes out of anyone's mouth.  They tell you what they think you want to hear so that you will shut up and leave them alone to continue in their insidious, nasty, vile and contemptible behaviors.  

The whole nation is ticked off that the Clinton machine... that is Hillary, Loretta, Barack, James, John, Valerie and the rest of their fellow thugs... have all gotten away with high crimes and misdemeanors and nobody is doing anything about it.  The Republicans gave a whole lot of lip service to the idea that they were going to "get to the bottom of things" and hold the culprits all accountable.  They held hearings and hearings and more hearings... and it all died in a whisper.  

Oh... some of them bellyached that Paul Ryan was at fault; he wouldn't let them proceed.  Well, who elected him to the House Speakership?  Who refused to remove him?  Who used his obstruction as an excuse? 

Now we have Devin Nunes.  He's a nice guy, presents a lot of thunder behind the podium... and he's telling us that the House Intelligence Committee is about to unload a whole lot of information in a referral to Attorney General Barr.  Just who is kidding who?  The Democrats run the House and they run the Intelligence Committee; do you honestly think for one moment that Pelosi, as weak as she now is, will allow such a referral? 

More smoke and mirrors, folks.  A dog and pony show.  An elaborate sham.  

It's disgusting, what we have allowed the people in our government to become.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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