Friday, August 03, 2018


I've been really down on the Republican "good old establishment boys."  The Ryans and McConnells of the world and their ardent followers in the Congress have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they put their own agendas and interests far ahead of the interests of America.  While Clinton escapes without a scratch, and the FBI and DOJ continue their stonewall coverups, the Republicans have by-and-large refused to lift even one finger to get to the truth.  Ryan has flat-out refused to back his committees which are looking into these travesties of justice; indeed, he's also sabotaged President Trump and his agenda at every turn.  

Every Republican in Congress who has refused to stand up to these jackals and to demand answers and justice is complicit, and needs to be removed from office and summarily thrown on the trash heaps of bad American history.  That's what I've been advocating... to dump them in the primaries. 

Now, we're getting down to the nitty-gritty; we're just three months from the midterm elections and most of the primaries have already been held.  Some of the jackals have been dumped and, thank God, about 50 saw the handwriting on the wall and didn't even bother to run for reelection.   Nevertheless, we're still stuck with more than our fair share going into the home stretch.   

When push comes to shove, I have to say that we simply can't vote for the Democrat, no matter how lame the Republican candidate really is.  Those guys make no bones about wanting to force Trump out of office, about seizing back their "crumbs," about going back to a foreign policy of appeasement, or about opening up the borders and creating a "sanctuary country" where illegal criminals can do their crimes without fear of punishment. 

So, albeit reluctantly, I'll be voting for the Republican.  Even if he is a mealy-mouthed, two-faced anti-American jackass, he's far better than the alternative.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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