Monday, July 09, 2018


You may remember the story of Imran Awan, the Pakistani who took up residence on Capitol Hill as their I.T. guru.  Awan was born in Pakistan, but came to the U.S. with his family when he was a teenager. He was arrested at Dulles International Airport outside Washington during the 2017 summer before trying to board a flight to Pakistan.

Awan had access to dozens of House Members' computer information and an investigation was initiated early in 2017 regarding possible theft of such information, transfer of information to "outside sources," equipment theft, access to sensitive computer systems, destroying hard drives, and more.  He was immediately fired by every House member except Debbie Wasserman Schultz who kept him on the payroll for months, although he no longer had access to House computer systems.  A laptop computer belonging to Schultz was found in a House men's restroom stall and confiscated by Capitol Police.  Schultz want totally off-the-charts ballistic and demanded return of the laptop and insisted that it not be examined.  All evidence at the time indicated something big and sinister was brewing. In the meantime, it was discovered that Awan had committed bank fraud by obtaining fraudulent loans. 

Schultz did everything possible to thwart any further investigation into the laptop or Awan's relationship with her office. 

The FBI announced over the June 30th weekend that it had reach a plea deal with Awan, whereby he pleaded guilty to only one lesser charge involving the bank fraud and all charges regarding the House computers were totally dropped.  Prosecutors said they "uncovered no evidence" that Awan "violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems."

In early June, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) alleged on the House floor that the FBI had actually instructed witnesses to not bring documentary evidence to them about the Awan brothers’ case so they could say there’s no evidence for them to investigate. 

The DOJ plea deal with Awan and his wife means no one will ever know what really happened... and the Deep State Establishment remains firmly entrenched and in charge. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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