Friday, July 20, 2018


It's been awhile, but I listened in Wednesday to a good portion of the White House Press Briefing.  I have to say that I was more than appalled at the decorum and rancor of the press corps. It was obvious very early on that this drill was not about asking legitimate, pertinent questions, but that it was a well-orchestrated arrogant and blood thirsty attack on Sarah Sanders and Donald Trump.  The participants were actually snarling and did not hesitate to talk over, interrupt or outright badger Sanders.  

Frankly, it was disgusting to see that what was, in days past, an intellectual search for relevant facts of the day has turned into nothing more than a disgraceful exhibition of venom and ill will.  I feel sorry for Sarah Sanders, having to enter a den full of poisonous and treacherous snakes every day.  

Why the White House gives these immature boors a stage is beyond me.  This country has far better things to do with its time and energy. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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