Monday, March 12, 2018


I must first of all make my case that there is a God, simply because many people these days don't believe in God; they also believe that when you die, that's the end and there is no more life or afterlife.  Their excuse for Earth and the universe is that it was created by the big bang, but when you ask what was there before the big bang or what caused the big bang, they get up and leave the room.  

The universe is not all black and white, either.  There are countless things going on in the universe and on Earth itself which are unexplainable.    Most scientists these days will admit that there is some energy floating around in space, but they don't know what it is or where it comes from; they have theories, but no proof.  

Certainly, what exists did not always exist, at least in its present form.  But, logic would tell us that something had to exist; you cannot create something out of nothing.  Hence, something all powerful must exist or existence itself would be impossible.  Religi0n teaches us that there is a Supreme Being, a Great Spirit, a God from which all things including us are made.  The more that scientists investigate, the more they conclude that if God does not exist, one most certainly cannot rule out the possibility.  

The Bible teaches us that this God is all powerful and that you cannot deny His existence or evade His Word.  Certain instructions or commandments have been laid down among all religions, and all religions teach that defiance of those instructions is neither possible or allowable.  If you defy them, you will pay a heavy penalty.  

Democrats believe that their word is not to be denied or defied.  If you disagree with them or do not obey them, you will face their wrath.  If you speak out of turn, your mouth shall be shut.  There is no law on Earth except the laws which they create and dictate; they are not compelled to obey any law of any society.  

Since they are all powerful and live in heaven, which we do not and never will, we must conclude that Democrats are Gods.  You would therefore be wise my friend, the next time you encounter one of these divine creatures, to throw yourself upon the ground and beg forgiveness, lest you say or do something wrong and create a sin which will result in your spending eternity in purgatory.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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