Friday, March 16, 2018


Ever since the first firearm appeared in America, they've been used for hunting, target shooting, and self-defense.  Thousands, if not millions, of young men and women went out hunting with their dads and, when they graduated from high school or turned 18, they were rewarded with their own rifle as a "rite of passage."  Tens of thousands or more young men proudly displayed their rifles in the back windows of their cars or trucks for decades while on school campuses and not a single one of them, nationwide, was ever used in a campus shooting. 

Now, in 2018, after another young man under 18 has possessed a gun which he should not have possessed in the first place due to mental instability issues, the move comes to ban anyone under the age of 21 from owning or possessing a gun or ammunition.  

Once again, the innocent suffer while the nincompoops create laws that will not solve the problem.  Do you think for one minute if a nutcase wants to grab a gun and go on a killing spree that he/she is going to allow such a silly law to stop them?  Somehow, they'll appropriate a gun somewhere.  

In Oregon, a 20-year-old who legally owned a shotgun went into a Kroger's and was denied the ability to purchase ammunition, because store policy had changed to require purchasers of guns or ammo to be at least 21.  He's suing for age discrimination; state law says you can't deny a person his or her rights for a variety of reasons, such as race, sex, religion or age.  But, the store doesn't care about that; they want to make a political statement.  

If these laws are enacted, say goodbye to military ROTC rifle competitions.  As a matter-of-fact, and based on the ability of cities and states like California to declare themselves sanctuary havens, why couldn't they also proclaim that the military cannot issue rifles or carbines to members under the age of 21 residing or stationed in their state?   

It boggles my mind to think that the answer to some crazy guy charging into a mass of people with a gun is to deny them the right to defend themselves.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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