Wednesday, January 31, 2018


One sentence covers it all:  While the President knock it out of the park, the Democrats made utter fools of themselves by their stubbornly undignified conduct.  

While all of the so-called journalists and pundits take it upon themselves to explain to you "imbeciles" out there what the President said last night, as if you are so stupid that you can't figure it out for yourselves, I've decided to use what has occurred over the last few weeks to provide proof to all of us that our real national enemy is not North Korea, China, Iran or Russia... it's the Democrat Party.  

Bear with me for a moment.  The new tax plan has caused companies throughout the U.S. to issue bonuses, raise wages and hire more people; yet, the Democrats call it "crumbs" and insist, I guess, that the tax pan be reversed, that the raises and bonuses be cancelled.   

Investigations into the FBI conclude that there has been criminal and political abuse of the FISA system; the Democrats proclaim that we citizens do not have a right to know that.  

Growing evidence suggests that there was an organized and wide-ranging conspiracy to guarantee Clinton's election and undermine Trump.  When Trump defied odds and got elected anyway, that conspiracy morphed into a concerted effort to either remove Trump from office or to prevent his agenda from being implemented, whether the public wanted it or not.  To that end, the Democrats engineered the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel with unlimited powers to convict Trump of something... anything they could use to get him impeached and thereby thwart the will of the people who elected him.  

Prominent Democrats such as Obama and Kerry are running around on the national stage in an open and treasonous attempt to undermine the President's international policies.  

Democrat bureaucrats within the State Department, the Justice Department and the FBI have refused to provide documents and evidence to investigators and have openly attempted to destroy those documents and evidence; in doing so, they have defied even the courts.  

They seek to disarm us.  They seek to silence us.  They seek to destroy our religious values.  They seek to abrogate our votes by flooding the country with illegals.  

These are just a few examples of what I'm pointing out here.  The enemy is sitting here right under our noses and defying our right to know what in the hell is going on with our country. 

How can anyone reach any other conclusion than to say the Democrats are the biggest threat to our national security in existence?  

Now then... what are we going to do about it?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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