Friday, August 04, 2017


Remember the day, long long ago, when we looked up to the cops and the courts and the government as being beacons of righteousnous in our daily lives?  Can you recollect the time when Superman, the Lone Ranger, Sky King, The Shadow, Matt Dillon, Roy Rogers and Gene Autry were constantly coming out of the woodwork to catch the bad guys and save the country?  

Those days almost seem as if they happened in another life and on another planet.  

Back in those days, it was safe to leave your car parked in the driveway with the windows down and the keys in the ignition; if it started to rain, the neighbors would quickly come to the rescue and roll the car windows up for you.  These days, the car is locked up in the garage, the house has become a fortress with shuttered windows, closed doors and with the burglar alarm set.  We've even grown accustomed to putting surveillance cameras around our houses and packing a gun.   

We can no longer trust our neighbors, if we even know who they are.   We must eye with suspicion any new person who comes down the pike. 

We've also learned the sad facts of life in modern America: all of the superheroes are a thing of the past, the government is corrupt, the courts are a joke and the concept of righteousnous is a mere figment of our imaginations.  We have allowed ourselves to be surrounded by the Mexican drug cartels, the radical Islamic terrorists, crooks and gangs... Every single one of us can read the news about what is going on in Venezuela and understand that this country has moved itself to the very precipice of similar decay into anarchy.  

We've simply got to come to grips with the fact that we, the people, have to do something to resurrect, save and protect the ways of the past that we cherish so much.  If there's going to be peace, truth and justice, it is up to us to weave those goals once again into the fabric of what being an American is all about.  We can't do it by sitting in a corner and dreaming of the past; we're going  to have to stand up, band together, roll up our sleeves and literally take our country back... one step at a time.  

WE have to be the Paul Reveres and the Samuel Adams of this moment in American time.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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