Monday, August 07, 2017


Our government is not rati0nally evaluating the problem with North Korea.  Somehow, they seem to think that the situation can be resolved without more war.  

History is a great teacher.  Once united, Korea was ruled by Japan from 1910 until the close of World War II.  In 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and in the process liberated Korea north of the 38th parallel.  U.S.. forces moved into South Korea and an official split between north and south occurred as a result of the Cold War.  Both of the new governments, in North Korea and South Korea, claimed  to be the legitimate  government of the whole peninsula.  

In June of 1950 North Korea, supported by both China and the Soviet Union, invaded South Korea and the Korean War was set in motion.  The fighting ended in June of 1953 with an armistice that exists to this day.  The war was never ended and both China and now Russia are backing Kim Jong Un and the North Korean agenda.  In fact, ample evidence exists to suggest that North Korea has acquired its missile technology from China.  

Now, just what makes you think that either China or the Russians are going to back off from their support of North Korea?  It should be obvious that China, contrary to what Washington says, will be perfectly comfortable with a nuclear-weaponized North Korea.  This is a strategic move somewhat akin to the Kremlin's move to install nuclear missiles in Cuba back in the Kennedy era.  

We are now faced with the facts that North Korea will have the capability to launch a nuclear missile against the United States within weeks, if not months.  And their recent claims to be on the verge of having a hydrogen bomb is probably not fiction.

So, what do we do?  

We can't continue to play the Obama pussy-foot game.  We're being played for suckers; all they want is to delay, delay, delay until the day when it's too late.

Moving our own unclear weapons into Japan is not a bad idea for starters.  We should also be prepared to move nuclear weapons into South Korea and we should be building South Korean defense systems like crazy.  We have to understand that Kim Jong Un is not going to back down as long as he is backed by China and Russia, and they have no intentions of backing away from their obvious commitments.  This means that tensions are so high among the North Koreans that the danger of an accidental spark are imminent.  

Bluntly put, we need to be prepared for a breakdown of the armistice and the resumption of war.  Furthermore, we have to understand that if war breaks out again and North Korea has a nuclear missile or two, they are most certainly going to be used.  

We simply must quit fooling ourselves into thinking otherwise.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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