Friday, May 20, 2016



Let me be clear: I don't have anything more against gays than I do any other segment of our society.  But, this country was built on liberty, equality, fairness and justice for all.  When any segment of our society gets away with pushing its agenda to the extent that it infringes upon the liberty, equality, fairness and justice of others... there I draw the line.  

The LGBT agenda seeks to wipe out my religious beliefs and my sense of values.  It seeks to scrape away any sense of dignity or  self-esteem that any heterosexual has.  

When the LGBT agenda gains the upper hand and is able to dictate who I can or cannot bake a cake for or under what circumstances I can go to the bathroom... I take avid and livid exception.  And frankly, I don't give a damn whether they like it or not.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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