Wednesday, April 15, 2015



Now, after John Kerry has met privately with Congressional Democrats to espouse the Obama position on the Iranian nuclear "deal,"and now that he has twisted their arms expecting them to do as Obama dictates, the question arises as to whether or not they will stand behind Americans and override the president's calculated veto of probable Congressional legislation to provide for the right of review of the "deal," or whether they will conspire to let Obama's veto stand.  

We know that Russia is now going ahead with sales of ground-to-air missiles to Iran, making it more difficult if not impossible for the U.S. and/or Israel to attack Iranian nuclear sites when the "deal" falls apart and Iran proceeds to assemble its first nuke.  That fact alone makes the cheese more binding.  And, of course, we know that Iran's nuclear prospects are bound to start a nuclear arms race among Middle East countries.  

Simply put, we cannot allow Iran to have nukes. 

Given this scenario, do you suppose the Democrats will side with Obama, or American security interests?  

If the Democrats side with Obama and allow his veto of the Congressional legislation to stand, then history will judge them as being complicit in allowing Iran to advance its nuclear agenda.  I have to ask: Is there even an ounce of good conscience and American patriotism left in any of their souls? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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