Tuesday, March 31, 2015



For years, even decades, the left-wing, anti-American faction of our society has been steadily and relentlessly chipping away at religious freedom.  The First Amendment to the Constitution reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."  From this, it is clear that we Americans have the individual rights to choose the religion(s) with which we will associate and to practice the tenets thereof.  

Yet, the Congress and the courts have been allowing the agendas of the anti-Americans to take precedence over those Amendment provisions.  The big issue today, of course, is whether or not the right of religious freedom can be trumped by state and federal laws placing gay rights above the Constitutional guarantees.  While that is the major issue of the day, other rights such as the right to pray in public, the right to pray before a peaceful assembly and the right to display religious artifacts have also been overruled by the anti-religious zealots and their liberal cohorts in Congress, legislatures and the courts.  

It is a breath of fresh air that a proactive state government in Indiana has taken the bull by the horns and enacted its Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  Religious teachings from a multitude of religions form the fundamental basis upon which this country was founded.  Those who are now raising hell over its enactment wear their anti-American agendas on their sleeves, and the time has come for we who believe in our heritage to stand up and be counted before our beloved country is destroyed from within. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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