Saturday, April 05, 2014


Now that the Supremes have ruled there can be no lid on the total amount of contributions an individual can make, the misinformation somehow gets spread that from now on, George Soros and his cohorts can control the political process.  Actually, the ruling only changes one aspect: You still can't contribute more than $2,600 to any one candidate. 

That having been said, I think we are all aware that PACs's and other methods allow candidates to circumvent the rules anyway.  Millions of dollars floated into Obama's campaign in both elections and a substantial amount came from small, unidentifiable overseas donations.  

Our country was founded on the basis that when it comes to politics and government, everyone in this country is an equal.  The rich have no leg up on the poor, the powerful have no leg up on the meek when it comes to choosing the leaders of our government.  Over the period of historical time, however, that premise has been eroded. That's how you get Members of Congress being reelected over and over again, even though they are doing a lousy job.  That's how we end up with a President who has no real right to the job.  The flow of money into the political system has badly and adversely changed the way things were meant to be.  

There' a call out for a Constitutional Convention right now to amend the Constitution to require a balanced budget.   Since we're going to end up having that convention anyway, I think it is time that we set term limits for members of Congress.  But, let's leave a back door open, just in case a Congressional member is doing such a great job and is so highly respected, let's allow him or her to keep their job for another term if they garner 67% or more of the popular vote. 

I can live with that, and it takes one helluva lot of this campaign finance issue off of the table.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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