Monday, February 24, 2014



Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the hardened and famous Mexican drug lord, was captured over the weekend through a joint operation involving both Mexican and United States drug agencies.  FOX NEWS is reporting that "Shorty" was captured in a building just off a beach in Mazatlan on Saturday.  He was previously in a Mexican carcel on drug charges and escaped in 2001. 

The U.S. filed for extradition almost before Guzman was back in a cell.  The Mexicans, quite correctly, allege that he is a Mexican citizen arrested on Mexican soil and they will be the ones to put him on trial. 

So, we have a "rift" in U.S. - Mexican relations.  (If I'm not mistaken, I think that means we now have a "rift" with every country in the world.) 

What needs to happen next is for Obama to call up El Presidente Enrico Pena Nieto and invite him up to Washington for a beer in the White House Rose garden with Barack and Joe.  The only problem I can foresee in that scenario is that Obama would undoubtedly want to impress Nieto with an authentic Mexican beer for the occasion, and he'd probably pick Guinness Stout. 

Illegitimi non carborundum.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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