Thursday, January 16, 2014



It's no secret that Obama has been on a power trip since day one.  In recent days, he's even had the audacity to flaunt it. "Wait a minute!" they are now saying.  "He can't do that!"  

Well, one can have just as much power as any opponent will allow him to have; however the opponent has to have the will and the ability to win the battle.  Without the prerequisite push-back, it occurs to me that Obama can have as much power as he wants.  Judging by the failure of Congress to limit his powers in accordance with the Constitution, I have to conclude that Obama does indeed have de facto unlimited power.  

After all, he's gotten away with everything he's done so far, hasn't he?  

Now, the Supreme Court has no standing to interfere until someone files a lawsuit or calls Obama to task.  So, if Congress is not acting, it occurs to me that Congress is complicit in this radical shift of government power in America.  Furthermore, if Americans are not raising holy hell over this power grasp, they also are complicit.  

If you are willing to turn this nation over to a devout liar and manipulator, if you are in favor of giving him dictatorial powers to do whatever he wants through the use of his pen, then do nothing.  But if you see all of this for what it really is, you should be on the phone, using email, writing snail mail, sending faxes... contacting your Congressional members to let them know that you are going to vote them out of office in November unless they take immediate action to limit Obama's power. 

Illegitimi non carborundum.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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