Saturday, January 18, 2014


If I've learned one thing over the last five-plus years, it's that the longer Obama speaks, the greater the lie.  Yesterday, he spoke 45 minutes on one subject.  

True to his character, he was careful not to accept any responsibility for the status quo; indeed, he blamed Edward Snowden for revealing it.   Then he got into the nuts and the bolts about his "changes."  He started out by saying that he was going to be assigning more oversight to the spy programs and that he was going to personally be in charge of more of that oversight.  That's kind of like the fox guarding the pollo barn.  The huge surprise here is that he didn't name Eric Holder to take charge and investigate.  

He didn't back away from the collection of these tons of data; he talked about different ways of storing it and having access to it, but nothing about stopping it.  So, the collection is going to continue and just because there is a law or rule against unauthorized access to it doesn't mean it won't happen; after all, Obama himself is the preeminent national expert at how to get around or to ignore laws.  

The talking heads seem to be elated, that this is the first time Obama has given a responsive speech, that everything is going to be okay, that he will part the waters and lead the country to the promised land.  I don't hear anything different in what he had to say yesterday and what he has been saying about different things at different times for over five years.  

In other words, he didn't reassure me one damned bit.  Mark my words: He will find a way to continue doing what he has been doing through another agency or under more cover, and if caught he'll deny saying he was going to rein this spying program in at all; that's his history.  Leopards do not change their spots and, unless I'm mistaken, the country at heart really doesn't believe a single word this dodo says.   

There is one good thing that happened, however; he chastised the press.  Maybe, just maybe, that's a small sign that the press is finally starting to do its job.  

Illegitimi non carborundum.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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