Thursday, August 01, 2013



Just when I thought we'd heard it all, with Elliott Spitzer and Anthony Wiener both deciding to seek public office again, along comes another salacious tidbit of information that threatens to put all of my sensors into overload.  The events of the last few days have certainly provided great fodder for the water-cooler crowd, but this last drop of sexual causerie has to be the icing on the cake.  

There's a tape surfacing, a tape that everyone involved thought had been destroyed years ago.  The tape has Monica Lewinsky is a three or four minute snippet inviting Bill Clinton for a tryst.  “I could take my clothes off and start…well…I know you wouldn’t enjoy that? I hope to see you later and I hope you will follow my script and do what I want,” Lewinsky reportedly said in the recording.  

Well, we all know that Elliott and Anthony are both as guilty as hell and that Bill never did have sex with that woman.  And we know that Anthony's wife Huma totally admires Bill's wife Hillary for standing behind him through all of that mess and that Bill and Hillary just want the Wieners to drop off the face of the earth.   

As I write this, it is Wednesday of course, and I'm being bombarded with a damned camel walking around the office proclaiming that it's "hump day."  Somehow, I think that's a fitting end to the post.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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