Tuesday, July 10, 2012



Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican, vetoed election law bills pushed by Republican legislators seeking to require a ballot box affirmation of citizenship, restrict voter registration drives, and require photo ID for obtaining an absentee ballot.  Last week a Florida federal district court judge ruled against the Justice Department’s motion for a temporary injunction against the state’s voter purge. The ruling was widely portrayed as a victory for the state by Florida Governor Rick Scott and many in the media.  Florida has been trying to purge its voter registration files of dead people and illegal immigrants. 

All across the country, states are faced with dead people, prisoners and illegals signed up to vote.  The door is wide open in many jurisdictions for people to vote in more than once precinct, thereby being able to cast multiple votes.  Problems initiated by the now defunct ACORN persist. 

Yet, when state governments try to correct the problems and to minimize the potential for massive voter fraud, the Department of Justice is quick to respond, claiming that such efforts will disenfranchise minorities from being able to vote.President Obama and Attorney General Holder are adamantly opposed to any effort to require any voter identification. 

All this hyperbole is nothing more than a cleverly disguised attempt to stuff the ballot box in November.  It is a violation of my American voting right.  It is an "in your face, I don't care what your rights are" challenge to try and do something about it.  It is akin to a front-end proclamation that this will be a wide-open election, just like the ones they have in South America, North Korea and Iran.  Further, as it stands right now no state has time enough left to fight the battle in the courts before the November election. 

We need to be vigilant.  We need to be informed.  We need to raise hell with Congress and demand a fair election process and we need to do that now.  I’m sick and tired of the B.S. and spin.  This is OUR country they’re ruining.   

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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