Tuesday, April 03, 2012



Every year at this time, tens of millions of us either sit down to agonize over complicated tax instructions, or we hire some lackey to do it, and we wonder and worry all of the way to the end of the process about how much it is going to cost us this year. 

And for what?  A Congress that not only cannot pass a budget, but cannot control how much it spends, either?  A President why has made no bones about the fact that he doesn't like our Constitution or our form of government and economy?  To pay for some college student's abortion?  To house thousands of illegal immigrants in prisons who should never have been here in the first place? To fan the flames of racism and divisiveness?  To conduct illegal gun-running operations on the border?  To fund the Solyndra's of the world? 

Those jerks in Washington can't even bury our war dead in their correct graves.  Our government is corrupt, our society is crumbling, and they want me to pay my taxes and smile about it? 

Yes, I'm angry.  You should be, too. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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