Saturday, February 04, 2012


Barack Obama (Soetoro), born a Muslim, has now chosen again to speak for Jesus.  This is the second time that the mere mortal President has chosen to put words into Jesus’ mouth.  This time, Obama spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast which he has shunned in the past and said, in essence, that Jesus would stand before the multitudes and demand higher taxes.  “For me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus' teaching that, for unto whom much is given, much shall be required," he said.

The fact is that Barack Hussein Obama was a practicing Muslim until he joined Jeremiah Wright’s church.  Wright’s church, of course, espoused hatred of whites.  Obama, running in 2008, made snide remarks about Pennsylvanians clinging on to their guns and Bibles.  Today, he rarely attends any Christian church and now he stands before the nation and proclaims that Jesus wants higher taxes. 

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times:  Obama thinks he is the Messiah.  When you talk about America’s God given unalienable rights, he thinks he can change or alter those rights because he has the power to do so… a higher power.  How blasphemous can you get?  Where does he get off telling the Catholic Church, or any church in the country for that matter, how they shall conduct business?  But, he does it. 

Barack Hussein Obama is a two-bit Chicago hood… nothing more.  When you look at his track record, as I laid out to no end in my posts before the 2008 election in this blog and “WE’RE NOT TO BLAME,” (check back into the previous historical posts which you can do from this or the “BLAME” website), you will quickly reach the same conclusion.  All of his associates have either been far-left anti-American radicals or Chicago hoods.  That’s a fact. 

Now, he speaks for Jesus? 

Do you really think this country needs this two-bit, anti-Christian far-left radical hood in the White House for four more years? 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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