Tuesday, February 07, 2012



It may be difficult to believe when you consider China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and Al Qaeda, but Mexico poses the most imminent and largest threat to the security of the United States.  For decades, Cuba has been festering anti-American factions in Mexico and South America.  Today, it’s Iran and Al Qaeda who are supplying the Mexican drug lords with guns, ammunition, explosives and propaganda in a concerted effort to destabilize the Mexican government and send chaos across the border. 

In Many sections of Mexico, there is already anarchy; governing authorities are either corrupt or otherwise unwilling to confront the drug lords.  Mexico is, in fact, a nearly failed state and if it fails, we will be directly involved.  Over 40,000 people have been killed in Mexico in the last few years, almost half of them living in Mexican states bordering the U.S.  Although the U.S. has been secretly funneling some military aid to Mexico, the Mexican government seems to be almost impotent against the bloody onslaught.  Neighboring countries are pleading for a NATO styled agreement to bring all North American countries to the table in an effort to resolve the situation. 

The fact is that, unless the drug gangs and their foreign backers are stopped and stopped soon, it is entirely possible that the Mexican government will collapse.  And just where do you think all of the good Mexicans are going to head?  Will the bad ones follow them? 

The problems we have with illegal immigration are minute when compared to the possibilities and we have a government with its head stuck deeply in the sand, seemingly unwilling and unprepared to deal with this threat. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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