Saturday, January 09, 2010


Every Congressional session, some lame-brained far-left Liberal takes a shot, pardon the play on words, at American’s rights to bear arms. The gun rights advocates, led by the National Rifle Association and dozens of other national and state groups manage to stymie those who would trash the Second Amendment and confiscate all guns in private hands in the United States. The frustrated anti-gun fanatics resort to all manners of tricks, lies and deceit in an effort to further their agenda without success.

Why, and what does that mean to the average Americans who are in the battle against big government on other issues?

Americans are becoming increasingly aware of how the Obama-Pelosi-Reid dynasty is maneuvering to destroy fundamental freedoms and rights that we have, one-by-one. The Health Care Plan, as being pushed down our throats by the dynasty, seizes from us our religious stands against abortion, our rights to choose the type of health care that we want on an individual basis, and the ability to decide for ourselves how much, or if, we want to pay for insurance. It provides for jail time if we refuse to pay taxes that could be used to fund abortions for the welfare-hooker mom down the street. The fact that they are now refining their dirty deed behind closed doors where Americans have no say is indicative of the fact that they know they are doing wrong, but they intend to get it done anyway. 

That is but one example of what big government is doing to us. We all have our own personal stories about the tyranny of government intervention in our lives and freedoms that is basically unconstitutional. We even have national leaders such as Nancy Pelosi who, when asked about the constitutionality of the health care plan, have the unmitigated audacity to say, “Are you serious? Are you serious?”

This begs the question: “Are you serious?” Do you believe the time has come to restore our constitution as the guiding principle under which our country is governed? If so, we need to take a lesson from the N.R.A.

The N.R.A. does not allow the elite-establishment-dynasty to stonewall on American rights. The N.R.A. membership does not sit on the couch grumbling; it gets down and dirty and directly in the faces of those who dare to trash the 2nd Amendment. As a result, it backs the enemy away.

Members of the N.R.A. proudly wear garments with the N.R.A. logo clearly displayed; they have N.R.A. bumper stickers on their cars. And, when a gun-rights issue comes up, they are Johnny-on-the-spot to take their stands and sound off loud and clear what their positions are. They live and breathe the 2nd Amendment.

Therein lies the lesson of this post. We Americans have been far too complacent. Like the N.R.A., we need to be informed, aware, and constantly ready to defend our American rights in every respect. We need to fly the flag of liberty every day in our hearts and minds and on our doorsteps. We need to take the initiative to get “in their faces” every time they try to trample on our constitution. We need to be constantly vigilant and aware.

We can no longer shrug our shoulders and cave in to the far left agendas. I’ve heard it said, and often taken the position myself, that “they” are in charge, “they” are going to pass this health care plan, and there is nothing we can do about their unethical, immoral, corrupt methods of getting what “they” want.

Bullshit, I say. We need to be the new membership of the N.R.A. of patriotism. Call it what you will, “The National Association of Americans,” if you want, or even “The American Tea Party.” Whatever it is, we need to unite, to stand together, and to demand... not ask for, but demand… our rights to individual liberties and the pursuits of happiness. Those who stand in our way must be removed.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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