Saturday, January 23, 2010


The Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine has been working relentlessly to push Obama’s Health Care agenda through Congress for months, regardless of a growing number of Americans who have expressed that they do not like the plan at all. Even while more and more Americans were losing their jobs, their houses, their furniture and their self-esteem, Obama made passage of “his plan” the cornerstone of his year-one Presidential agenda, and he pulled out all of the stops to get his way. He lied, he misled. Behind closed doors, he and/or his hatchet man, Rahm Emanuel, threatened lawmakers, made unethical deals, and browbeat others into going along.

On the Hill, political favors were called in. Deals were made. Lobbyists were listened to. Threats were made. Promises to the American people were given and promptly broken. Those who balked were demeaned, ridiculed and marginalized. Promises of transparency evaporated. More than one end-run was developed and implemented to shove the plan up Americans’ rear ends when they weren’t supposed to be looking.

In the immediate aftermath of the Massachusetts U.S. Senate race, those in Washington who were part of the Obama-Pelosi-Machine started conniving about how they could get Obama’s plan passed. Obama vows he will get health care passed; he will not give up. As late as yesterday, and probably today, the White House is blaming Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and others, thereby insulting the intelligence of 66% of Americans who want the plan scrapped.

Is Obama’s Health Care Plan toast? Is it finished?


The right answer here, of course, is for the plan to be totally junked and for a new plan to be developed that addresses and resolves the rising costs of health care by capping malpractice awards, by allowing prescription competition from Canada, by reining in insurance company profits, by providing incentives for students to enter the health care profession, and by eliminating fraud and waste in Medicare and Medicaid. If there is really a $400 billion savings to be had by the elimination of fraud and waste, use some of that money to establish basic health care for the uninsured or those who have lost benefits due to unemployment.

But, this is not the only message to be delivered by the Massachusetts vote. Americans are fed up with out-of-control government spending. The national debt is outrageous. No real or meaningful effort has been forthcoming from the Administration to get people back to work. Although the message was for Obama and the Congress to address these issues forthwith, the reaction in Washington is that they want to increase the debt ceiling, do another stimulus package, and not pay back to the treasury the TARP money that was “guaranteed” to go back into the national coffers.

Although Americans intensely dislike the “change” Obama wants, he has made it abundantly clear that he intends to get his way and he doesn’t give a damn what you or I think. The only reason Obama’s Health Care Plan has currently stalled is because enough members of Congress told Pelosi and Reid that they would no longer take orders lying down. The would-be dictatorship, however, doesn’t get the message. Obama has made it clear…. Again, even in the aftermath of a public uproar, that he will get his way.

In the final days of the Massachusetts campaign, Coakley gathered tons of bulk money from unions; Brown surpassed that in small donations of $35 to $100 that came flocking into his campaign chest from all across the country and from people who have never even been to Massachusetts. In fact, some of them, like Coakley, can’t even spell the name of the state. Although that fact speaks volumes about the mood of Americans, Obama is blaming everybody but himself and he’s whining like a sick dog, vowing to win his way at all costs.

If his attitude doesn’t sound like a dictator, a potentate, an emperor in sheep’s clothing, what does? In any other country, I believe that Obama would have the storm troopers out in the streets, lining people up against the walls and shooting them. It’s that same, fundamental mindset that keeps Obama from coughing up his birth certificate. He wants his way and he has the arrogance to believe that he is entitled to it.

America may have won the day on January 19th when the sun shined in Massachusetts, but do not think for a moment that we won the battle. The battle will not be won until November when we evict the entire House and 1/3 of the Senate from their plush, cushy offices and their unethical conniving jobs.

Maybe then, the message will finally be understood: This is our country. Don’t screw with it.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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