Saturday, April 04, 2009


They totally ignore the will of the people. They take from the rich, keep half and give the rest to the poor. They flaunt their positions and dare anyone to try and take them down. They belittle citizens and bully their ways into power. They plot to take away freedoms and rights of the people. Now, for the first time, despots rule the United States of America.

Could it be true? Consider this.

Eric Holder, the new Attorney General who had pledged to take guns away from American citizens regardless of what the 2nd Amendment says, has now announced that the Justice Department will "take care" in pursuing charges of crime and corruption" against public officials. He said this while dismissing charges against Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens that the Bush Administration had initiated.

President Obama, in talking to Europeans, has referred to Americans as being "arrogant and dismissive."

Back to Holder... There has been a move on by Senator Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to give a vote to the District of Columbia's Representative to Congress. On the surface, this sounds reasonable, but when you look for the reasons behind the move, it becomes clear that whoever would have that vote would most likely be a Democrat and Reid and Pelosi are doing everything possible to increase their grip on Congress. Holder asked top Justice Department experts for their opinion, and they concluded that giving a D.C. Representative a vote would be unconstitutional. Holder immediately ignored their opinion.

Obama has also done his share of ignoring; it seems to be a badge of honor in his administration if you are an income tax cheat.

The new administration has tarnished the right to contract in America; you can't lend money for someone to buy a house, because you don't know anymore if the government is going to come and take away your profit by lowering the interest rate on the mortgages you hold. You can't bargain with your boss for a bonus arrangement, because you don't know when the government is going to come in and strip you of the bonus,
(NOTE: there is nothing in that statement that says I support what the boys at AIG did; knowing what shape that company was in, they would have been a lot smarter to quietly waive their contracted bonuses for the year.)

When an American puts a tea bag in the mail and sends it to his or her Congressman, it gets returned with a notation: "Return to Sender. An additional 20 cents postage is required for a surcharge. 3.5 oz or less, non-machineable." Congress obviously doesn't want to hear spit about your teabags or your protests.

And, if you don't like the way they are running the government, that's just too damned bad. By taking control of the 2010 Census away from the Department of Commerce, they now have the ability to redraw voting districts in such a manner that the opposition can't win.

They are nothing better than Mobster-styled gangsters disguised as politicians, pure and simple.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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