Saturday, April 25, 2009


My good friend from San Jose writes:

What the democrats are doing with CIA files sickens me!! Its all political and has nothing to do with the country's welfare. How easily they forget that the whole thing started right after 9/11. Its like Monday morning quarterbacking. Have they forgotten what happened was something nobody in their wildest imagination could have predicted. It was a time for drastic measures with drastic decisions. I almost wish that we are attacked again, but such an event will of course be blamed on Bush. Had there been no Gitmo the terrorist would not have retaliated.

This administration is so corrupt it makes Clinton a saint. Consider cabinet members that have been confirmed not with suspicious character, but admitted flaws. They always have the right answers. With Geithner being "the only person in this country capable of solving the financial problems," the Administration seeks to "dumb down" America by insisting that only a tax cheat can be trusted to run the system. The head of Homeland Security is now saying that the memo affecting armed forces veterans went out without her
approval. But the biggest mess coming up is with the Merrill Lynch and Bank of America case. With the statement from the CEO of BofA to Cuomo it appears Bernanke and Paulson could be in big trouble. It is obvious the administration is committed to the Union with its new bailout money to GM.

I am buying a combination of brown and black shirts to hedge my bet on the future of this country.

And, I reply:

Your Congressional Representative Nancy Pelosi says that she would have screamed bloody murder had she known about the CIA "Torture." The top leaders in Congress are briefed regularly on national security matters. As the second in line behind the Veep for the Presidency, she receives more detailed and regular briefings. She is an outright liar when she says she didn't know anything about it. Yet, the media with the exception of Fox has not challenged her statements.

I agree that this administration, and Congress as well, are corrupt and morally bankrupt. (That's not to say that the Bush Administration was filled with saints, either). It is a well-established rule of law that creditors can force a debtor into bankruptcy in order to protect the assets of the debtor from being squandered or hidden away. The rule does require that creditors prove that the debtor owes more than it can pay.

Since the Congress represents the country as its "trustee," it seems to me that we lowly citizens could file involuntary bankruptcy proceedings against Congress, thereby freezing government funds and stopping the ridiculous and thieving bailouts; the country obviously owes more in debt than it can pay! Maybe some Constitutional lawyer could weigh in on that suggestion.

And, it seems to me that we could also easily declare Congress to be morally bankrupt as well. That's a "no-brainer."

Your other friend Miss California, who is slightly easier to look at, has been declared to be morally bankrupt by your liberal neighbors. That's like the pot calling the tar kettle black, as far as I am concerned.

When they allege that Geithner is the only guy in the country qualified to run the economy, they are in the same breath admitting that their political party is full of numbskulls. Napolitano said, before eventually apologizing for that memo, that she had "reviewed" it before authorizing it to be sent out. Obviously, she has proven her capability to lie as well, which qualifies her to run for the Presidency after Obama gets out.

The Bank of America fiasco, where stockholders were denied notice and opportunity to be heard over the bank's acquisition of Merrill Lynch for far more than market value and where the CEO of Bank of America is alleging that he was coerced into making that move by Paulson and Bernanke, could well be a red-herring designed to turn attention away from the recent disclosure that $350 billion of the first TARP bailout is missing in action. That snippit leaked out in Mid-March on a Friday night so it would get no coverage in the media, then was brought up again last week during the American Tea Parties but quickly buried again by the media.

There is a glimmer of hope in all of this, however. Fox ratings have soared in recent weeks, while NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN ratings have plunged. That fact, and the recent American Tea Parties points to growing displeasure with the handling of our finances, with Congress, and with Obama. What I fear is that the liberals, when faced with such things, have a tendency to take to violent demonstrations and outbursts as a means to force their views on the rest of the country. This could be a very long and hot summer.

* * * * *

If you control the information conveyed to the people, you control the situation. The Soviets learned by having only one press, one broadcast network, etc. Well, what do we have now? Two, fortunately, Fox being one of the two and the administration through the FCC is trying to shut out Fox.

Yes, my fellow Americans, the idiots are running the country without impunity. The longer they get away with doing so, the more acceptable it becomes. This is why we, the patriotic Americans regardless of party affiliation, need to band together now to speak with a common voice and to stop this travesty.

I'm sorry, but I view the Republican Party as being ineffective has-beens. The Republicans had control of Congress and the White House and they could have tightened up and run a good ship, but they chose to get mired down in political arguments instead. They did not stand together in the financial decisions at the tail end of Bush and beginning of Obama. They waffle, and they do not know what their platform or beliefs are. They say they are conservative, but they do not stand for conservatism; instead, they move to the left trying to garner votes. Until they change that, I have no desire to be labeled Republican. I'm conservative, not far right and most definitely not a left-leaning Republican.

We need a new party. No American Independent Party, either. We need the Conservative Party of America. Most people don't know this, but the Republicans were once joined with the Democrats in a unified Democratic Republic Party. In essence, that's where we are right now. And, Michael Steele, as nice a guy as he is, doesn't have the balls or the ability to bring the Republican Party back into conservatism, which is the main reason the media saw fit to endorse him.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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