Wednesday, October 01, 2008



We all know that Congress failed us on the job. We know that they have been worthless for over 20 years. Nevertheless, here we are with a gun to our heads.

Yes, we know that something has to be done. We understand the ramifications if we don't. But this "great, terrific rewrite" has done nothing for the vast majority of Americans except to stick them, and generations to come, with the bill.

"Oh, but we raised the FDIC Insurance from $100,000 to $250,000." Now, just what percentage of Americans did that move help? Joe Q. Public who lives from paycheck to paycheck? Bill Gates with billions? No, it helped who happened to have somewhere between $100,000 and $250,000 in the bank, and that's not a whole lot of people, percentage-wise.

Why did the damned Senate have to tack on all of those B.S. amendments? To obfuscate and confuse? If they were all that damned good and important, why weren't they passed on their own instead of on the back of a bill where we have a gun to our heads? And, at WHAT additional cost?

Reid congratulates himself and the Senate on their good work on sticking it to the American people to cover the fact that the Senate and the House of Representatives have collectively managed to pass the buck for their negligence and malfeasance to the American citizen?

450 pages can hide one helluva lot of dirty deeds. If the House is going to pass this, they need to peel those pieces of crap out of the Bill to be taken up on another day and let us, as Americans, see for ourselves, what is actually being shoved down our throats.

As far as I'm concerned, their 20 year past record leads me to believe they're still useless b.....ds. All of them.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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