Saturday, October 25, 2008


Now we know that Joe the Plumber owes $1,200 in taxes and that he doesn’t have a plumbing license. What do we know about Barack Obama?

How about putting all of the U.S. citizens’ names in a basket and we’ll draw one and that person will be the next President of the United States? Too risky? At least we’d know for sure that the winner was a United States Citizen….

Caylee Anthony is alive and living with Amelia Earhart.

They want to reinstate the “Fairness Doctrine” in broadcasting. The reasoning is that talk shows are one sided and monopolize too much air time. But, it will never work. If they reinstate it, NBC, CNN, CBS and those guys are going to having to broadcast Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and the gang to be “fair:” to their one-sided and opinionated broadcasting.

Why is everyone in the world except Joe Biden explaining what he said?

If Barack Obama’s grandmother is not even in the hospital, why does he intimate that she is on her death bed, and why does he take four days to get to her bedside?

Could it be that the reason the market is down is that they want the value of your 401k to decease before they quit giving you tax breaks on it?

Is there any truth to the rumor that Obama wants to take 10% out of every person’s savings account on the basis that the poor people don’t even have a savings account?

There is a better than a 60-40 chance that William “Bill” Ayers will end up on the front page of the next issue of TIME MAGAZINE.

WHYZIT that every time I put on my cowboy boots and by toes hurt, I think of ACORN and all of the hard work they did signing up all of those voters for registration?

Now that the Obama campaign has raised almost $700 million, maybe he’d consider making a 1% contribution toward the $700 billion that Congress just gave Paulson so that AIG Execs could party hearty. No? Shucks.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason Obama despises Sarah Palin is that she tends to cling to her guns and religion?

Is it possible that Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are going to meet in a secluded D.C. restaurant ion Tuesday to decide the future of the country, and that their conclusions will be delivered to Congress as a “Position Paper” right after the election?

Since Tony Rezko is in the can, what is going to happen to the rest of that parcel of land next to Obama’s house? Maybe they’ll plant cucumbers there….

WHYZIT that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid always look as if they’d just had a dose of alum for dessert?

Madeline Albright agrees with Joe Biden that Obama is going to have a serious national threat within six months? Don’t worry about that; Colin Powell will take care of it.

Is this race about race?

Barney Flintstone…..Franks, please excuse me…has already earmarked where Obama’s first tax increase is going to go….more social programs. I think he said something like $80 billion in the first year? Ah, yes. That lake under his Congressional seat is made of drool?

We don’t really need to worry about Obama and his so-called “terrorist connections.” It has recently been fully proven to us that the real terrorists are in Congress, but no one in this country has the guts to vote them out of office.

Remember to vote on November 4th. ACORN is counting on you.

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