Sunday, March 02, 2008

This Is National Security?

Three out of four of the remaining major candidates are sniping at each other about who can do the best job at national security. Unfortunately, the fourth, Huckabee, is the only one who has the right answer.

McCain, Clinton and Obama all are quick to tout their ability to meet any security crisis the country might have, even at 3:00 in the morning. Yet, all three would leave the Mexican border wide open and grant illegal aliens at least some form of amnesty.

Now that I have made that charge, I would suppose their universal answer would be, "That's different. We're talking about acts of war, things of a military nature."

War can be waged in more than one manner. It doesn't require tanks and missiles and brigades to wage war. War can be waged economically. And, I would suggest, we are at war with Mexico and her allies.

By allowing tens of thousands of its citizens to cross our border illegally, the Mexican government is forcing us to pay for benefits, health care, education and social services for those people. The economic drain and impact on our country is so large that Americans are no longer willing, or able, to absorb the adverse impact on our economy. If this continues unabated, this country could lose its economic war while our candidates, one of which will inevitably end up in the White House, wage the different kind of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Something has to be done. None of of these three finalists seems to have the balls to do it.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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